Wednesday, February 22, 2012

V Day = D Day for Singles.

So, I know this post is a week late, but I still keep going back and thinking about Valentine's Day or as I like to call it V Day. I keep going back and thinking about how excruciating
it was for me when I was single. BTW, this was the first ever V Day that I had a Valentine. I have many friends who see V Day objectively, as a ridiculous scam to sell cards, candy, and flowers. I think their objective view is a correct one, but as a single V Day was much harder to swallow. As a single when it came to V Day I was anything but objective. I was deflated. BUT believe it or not this post is not really for the singles. It's for all you married people out there, so LISTEN UP!

I had a friend at my old church years ago gave me cookies and a handmade card from her son on a couple different V Days. Some friends at my church had a group of random singles over this year for V Day. My point is this: MARRIED PEEPS REACH OUT TO YOUR SINGLE FRIENDS ON V Day. Those years I received the cookies and a card from my friend's son, who was like 1yr. old, I was incredibly touched and encouraged. Anything that you can do (a text, a card, a get-together), and I mean ANYTHING you can do to reach out and make some sort of contact says to your single friend, "HEY, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. You are loved by me and more importantly by a good God who has not forgotten you." It ministers LOVE to your single friend.

So, again I know this is late in coming, but married people resolve NOW to remember your single friends next year on V Day. Seek to encourage them in this truth. "Now may our Lord Jesus Christ, himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word." 2 Thess. 2.16


  1. Good points and very well written! God's timing is perfect, and we sure are impatient (at least I know I am), but we should always encourage one another and this is a great example of when it is important to remember and encourage our single friends. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Jen, I'm glad you liked it & found it encouraging.

  2. Awesome post Steph! I like the encouragement in this post for the married people to reach out to the singles.

    I don't celebrate valentines myself, maybe it's because I'm single or something but the day just passes me by. I haven't gotten the big deal about V-Day yet and if there is a big deal about it, I hope I will get it soon.

    Hey...we need some more meaty stuff on how you celebrated your first valentine's day with your love. ;-)

    Bless you gal!

    1. Honestly, Tat, we just eat dinner at our favorite restaurant during their happy hour. So we had some great sushi & drinks at a reasonable price. Then we just went home. It was no big deal really. And thanks again, Tat, for the encouragement!
